Page 13 - Big Pharma and the Constant Gardener
P. 13
Early 1999 – At their home, we turned to food-as-medicine to
stabilize and nourish Mother back from near-death, while she
recovered her life-long healthy appetite. Driving my office
equipment from Chicago through the blizzard of January 1, 1999,
I was connected and ready to work from their home with the
beginning of the new week. I would work in an office “just around
the corner,” with an “open door,” and within hearing distance – for
the times when backup was needed. I would be present to help
with food preparation while Dad would continue to do the grocery
shopping and other errands.
During January, Mother agreed to a shopping trip with my sister and
me – “I think I will go shopping again,” she said lyrically with a
renewed spirit which delighted all of us. We had fun recording an
outgoing message in their voice mail, “Bob and Ethel are not home!”
From the early days of my return, we began singing daily at the
piano. During the day, we frequented the walking path in the lake
area with an invigorating fast walk – at least once each day,
sometimes twice – including snowy days! Late at night, she would